It wasn't the worst year I've ever had. Nor was it the best. In fact, for many people around it me it was downright awful. Unemployment, depression, loss. Forget the "Economy" (though that played a huge part in it), just living seemed to provide enough doom and gloom. There were however enough bright spots to rescue it from being the shittiest year ever.
I lost my Uncle Paul earlier in the year. He was a good man. He hadn't lived a perfect life and he'd be the first to admit it. A good chunk of his early adult life was spent being an asshole and drinking. But, he straightened up; joined A.A.. and never looked back. Some of the family had a hard time forgiving him; I wish that they knew that he never really forgave himself either and he spent the rest of his life trying to make up for it. I get the sense that he supported a great many people through battling their own addictions. In the end, he was funny and played a mean game of crokinole. I miss him greatly.
I was unemployed for the first time in my life this year. That might be the most humbling experience ever. I went to interview after interview where I was told I wasn't good enough. Having always had the good fortune of landing jobs quickly, I was at a loss. I was stuck waiting around for supply work that never came through. I sat through a lot phone calls with grouchy interviewers getting feedback.
Little did I know that the job market was quickly drying up in Scotland. Money was very tight. I got a job waitressing and I taught dance classes at Citymoves. I even did some screenplay editing. The one good thing about that experience is that it taught me that I can still feed myself even if I can't teach. Six months later, I finally have a permanent job: English at Meldrum Academy.
Flickr provided me with lots of opportunity to travel around Scotland this year. I am so grateful for the people and friends in the Scottish Meet-ups groups. A life goal was ticked off the list when Kieran, Pam and I went to St. Kilda. It was quite possibly the best holiday ever. I got to travel to Turkey and I fell in love with that country.
Even though I'm starting out the year as sick as a dog and bed-ridden, I'm grateful for everything thats happened this year. I hope for some others that 2009 brings better things. I can only hope that I can have the balance of good and bad I had this year.
Roll on 2009.